I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience through the delivery of fun, interactive and evidence-based in-person or live-streamed workshops.
I cover topics related to learning how to best support autistic children and youth (and others!) who experience sensory processing differences that impact their ability to participate. in daily activities.
Your participants will gain new skills to problem solve effectively and confidently collaborate with children and their families through the implementation of strategies that support optimal daily functioning and participation.
I will work with your organization to ensure that my workshop is personalized to meet your audience’s needs.
Here are some examples of the types of topics I cover:

Keynote /Custom Presentation or Workshop
- Today’s Parent Magazine: Autism and Restrictive Eating-What you Need to Know
- Faces of Autism Interview: A Neurodiversity-Affirming and Sensory Approach to Autism featuring Moira Pena
- Autism in the Early Childhood Setting: Early Learning & Development Programs presents a memorable conference for all
- Interview: Six Ways to Maximize Mealtimes
- Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital launches first ever Echo Ontario Autism Program
- Holland Bloorview’s Autism Summit- Occupational Therapy Edition 2022: A Global Success
- Holland Bloorview’s Autism Summit 2020: A Resounding Success
Read my interview
on being the Keynote Speaker at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists (CAOT) National Conference 2023
Autism, Sensory Processing & Child Development
This workshop provides an overview of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, prevalence, sex differences and early markers for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Associated & co-occurring developmental disabilities, medical and mental health conditions, relevant research trends as well as new strength-based perspectives in interpreting the duality of autism will be discussed. My BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory, Thinking) framework of evidence-based interventions to support kids and youth on the spectrum will also be included.
This interactive workshop explores sensory processing, sensory assessments, sensory-based interventions & strengths-based coaching approaches that therapists can utilize with children who experience sensory processing differences (including, but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder) to support function and participation in daily tasks.
The first day of the workshop highlights the different sensory systems, relevant research & best practice for sensory processing assessment & intervention. You will also learn core concepts of solution-focused coaching (SFC) to improve your communication in effectively coaching parents and caregivers.
The second day focuses on my BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory, Thinking) framework of evidence-based interventions to support children’s skill development in the areas of play, feeding, sleep, self-care, school readiness and participation in family routines & leisure activities.
This 2-day interactive workshop explores sensory processing, recommended sensory assessments, Sensory-Based Interventions (SBIs) and strengths-based coaching approaches that therapists & others can utilize with children and youth on the autism spectrum to support function and participation in meaningful daily activities.
This workshop highlights the different sensory systems, relevant research, new perspectives in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) & my BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory, Thinking) Strategies to support autistic children & youth & their families.
This course will be tailored to meet your audience’s needs & includes a selection of the following modules: BEST Guide to Picky Eating, BEST Guide to Sleep, BEST Guide to Play, BEST Guide to School (with a focus on self-regulation) BEST Guide to Self-Care, BEST Guide to Leisure, BEST Guide to Work & Solution-Focused Principles for Healthcare & Education Professionals.
Sensory Processing & Sensory-based Interventions for Children (2 Day Workshop) SOLD OUT
Autism in the Early Childhood Education Setting: BEST Strategies To Support Preschoolers!
SOLD OUT Education: New Perspectives in Autism: A Primer for Occupational Therapists,
Course Information & Reviews
Ontario. Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists (OSOT) 2022 Conference. More Information & Registration Link
Autism & Sensory Processing Across the Lifespan
A Comprehensive Introduction to Sensory Processing & Autism: Towards the Development of a Strengths-based & Neurodiversity-friendly Occupational Therapy Practice (2 Day Workshop)
As our understanding of autism and co-occurring conditions continues to evolve, occupational therapists need to adopt strengths-based, neurodiversity-friendly and trauma-informed best practices to support function and participation in meaningful daily occupations.
This two-day interactive workshop explores sensory processing, recommended assessments, evidence-based sensory-based interventions (SBIs) and strengths-based coaching approaches that you can utilize with neurodivergent children, teens and adults who experience sensory processing differences* (including, but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as well as anxiety and other mental health conditions) to support engagement in daily activities.
The first day of the workshop will highlight the different sensory systems, relevant research on sensory processing as well as an update on our current understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including the neurodiversity perspective and common co-occurring conditions. Recommended assessments and outcome measures will be explored and applied to case studies (child, teen and adult).
The second day will focus on specific solution-focused communication (SFC) strategies that support the therapeutic process when working with neurodivergent people & their families. The presenter’s BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory and Thinking) strategies framework will be explored in detail and you will have the opportunity to consider how to develop an intervention plan using this framework.
Small group activities, case studies, practice opportunities, ongoing reflection and discussion will be utilized throughout the two days.
Sensory Processing in Autism: The Neuroscience & Practical Strategies For Home (Webinar)
Link to Webinar
ECHO Ontario Autism
Practical Sensory Strategies To Support Your Family Through The Covid-19 Pandemic (Online Parent Coaching & Support Sessions)
Beyond Limits Canadian Conference on Developmental Disabilities and Autism, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Autism & Sensory Processing: Concepts, Evidence & BEST Strategies (2 Day Workshop)
Autism Research Institute, California, USA: Autismo y el Procesamiento Sensorial: Estrategias Practicas para Usar en Casa Watch Webinar
Autism & Sensory Processing, Autism: Neurodiversity-Affirming and Strengths-Based Approaches
Occupational therapists need to be knowledgeable of emerging trends in the field of neurodevelopmental disabilities and feel confident with implementing strengths-based & neurodiversity-friendly best practices when working with neurodivergent people and their families.
This two-day interactive workshop explores the presenter’s BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory and Thinking) evidence-based interventions framework to support function and participation in meaningful self-care, productivity and leisure occupations. These occupations will be explored in depth through a combination of teaching, video presentations, demonstrations, ongoing interactions with workshop participants, case studies and small group work that will explore the lived experiences of neurodivergent children, youth and adults who present with sensory processing differences* (including, but not limited to autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder as well as anxiety and other mental health conditions).
There will be a strong focus on the use of strengths-based and neurodiversity-friendly approaches throughout this workshop. The following occupations will be addressed to best support neurodivergent children, youth and adults: self-care (eating, sleep and personal hygiene), productivity (play, school and work), and leisure.
Toronto District School Board, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services 1-Day Workshop
New Perspectives in Autism & BEST Strategies for School
Course Information
Sensory Processing & Feeding
This one-day interactive in-person workshop will focus in advancing the knowledge base and skill level of allied health professionals and others who work with and support children and youth with neurodevelopmental disorders who experience sensory-based feeding challenges* (including, but not limited to, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, anxiety and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder). The workshop will highlight the different sensory systems and their relationship to the occupation of feeding, recommended assessment approaches, factors that contribute to feeding challenges, strengths-based coaching approaches as well as BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory & Thinking) evidence-based feeding interventions. Small group activities, case studies, practice opportunities, ongoing reflection and discussion will be utilized.
International Pediatric Feeding Disorder Conference (IPFDC) Lightning Talks- A Therapist’s BEST Guide to Picky Eating
Event Ended
Example:Ontario Medical Association Conference (OMA- Pediatrics Section): A Pediatrician’s BEST Guide to Extreme Picky Eating.
Download PDF
Kids Can Shine, In-Person Workshop: BEST Guide to Picky Eating: A Comprehensive Introduction to Sensory-Based Feeding Challenges in Children & Youth
Course Information
BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory and Thinking) Strategies to Self-Regulation
Gain a better understanding of what self-regulation is including: factors affecting self-regulation, neurobiological underpinnings and ways we can reframe observable behaviours.
Learn how to support children and youth on the autism spectrum (and other neurodivergent youth) through the use of the presenter’s evidence-based BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory and Thinking) Strategies Framework.
Ideal for therapists, education professionals, parents, carers and service users. Open to all. Applicable to children, adolescents and adults.
What You Will Learn
- Define what self-regulation is
- Identify factors that contribute to poor self-regulation
- Understand how our neurobiology affects our ability to self-regulate and our behaviours
- Recognise the importance of co-regulation when working with neurodivergent children and youth
- Implement the presenter’s BEST (Body, Emotional, Sensory and Thinking) Strategies Framework to support self-regulation in neurodivergent children and youth
Sensory Integration Education, United Kingdom- 2 hour WebinarTowards a Better Understanding of Self-Regulation & BEST Strategies More Information & Registration Link