Join the Wait List for My Level 2 Hybrid Online Course!

Autism & Sensory Processing:
BEST Strategies for Picky Eating, Play, Sleep, Personal Care (hygiene & dressing) Leisure & School

Upcoming Course Dates:
Saturday, January 11th, 2025 to Friday, May 9th, 2025

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YES! I’d like to join the interest list!

See what my participants are saying!

“I am an occupational therapist and was very interested in Moira’s virtual workshop on Autism & Sensory Processing: Concepts, Evidence & BEST Strategies. I am grateful for Moira sharing her knowledge and practical recommendations! It was honestly very helpful for my practice and I have a better understanding of how to approach my clients’ sensory-related challenges by using BEST strategies. You can tell that Moira has a passion for her work, which translated into her teaching. 100% recommended.”

Lisseth reano
occupational therapist

I participated in Moira’s workshop on Sensory Processing and Sensory-Based Interventions for Children. Moira presented as extremely knowledgeable and passionate. I got the opportunity to learn about the implementation of core concepts of solution-focused communication with parents and caregivers, select and implement specific evidence-based intervention strategies for meaningful occupations, and many others! Moira responded to all questions without hesitation and included practical examples that all participants can relate to in their own work. Moira is truly an exceptional presenter with such a beautiful soul and spirit which was shown throughout the workshop. Truly an inspiration!

Christine abi-khaled
occupational therapist

“I found the course so informative and interesting. I feel like you have validated some of my practice related to sensory issues and certainly have inspired me to use new assessment and treatment tools. It was a perfect mix of research and practical strategies. I very much appreciate having had the opportunity to attend this course and sincerely thank you.”

occupational therapist

“Thank you for the great workshop on sensory-based interventions for children Moira! I learned a lot from the workshop regarding helping children with sensory processing differences engage in school, play, and self-care occupations. I appreciated how the workshop included evidence-based assessments and interventions that occupational therapists can use in both a hospital and clinic setting. Thanks again!” 

Fernanda lara peralta
occupational therapist

“Moira is a very knowledgeable and engaging presenter, this was superb. The updated evidence, research links and references were excellent. The course was very well structured and informative. I appreciated the BEST strategies and recommendations and sharing of new tools and equipment. I also appreciated that the information was intended to be practical with strategies that could be implemented right away. Ever since the workshop, I have been using Moira’s tools and materials with so many of the families I work with! I’m looking forward to staying connected to such a passionate and resourceful therapist.”

amelia Raj
occupational therapist

“This course was a perfect mix of evidence based information and practical strategies for intervention.  As a “seasoned” therapist, it gave me the opportunity to learn about more recent approaches and it provided a strong overview of the sensory systems and latest information in each area.  Moira is an engaging speaker who is able to pull from her past clinical experience as well as current research to answer questions.  It was a pleasure to take your workshop and I hope you offer more in the near future. Thank you” 

Lizette Alexander
occupational therapist

“The breadth and depth of information in this course were excellent. I appreciated the evidence and neuroscience updates which support and confirm our practice. I added several useful resources to my toolbox, especially related to feeding and sleep. I also really enjoyed learning about solution focused communication, and I look forward to reflecting on how I can better implement it into my practice. I left the course excited because of Moira’s enthusiasm and all of the materials and resources presented that I could use within my practice.

christopher tuplin
occupational therapist

“I wanted to say thank you so much for a wonderful course. It was jammed packed with information and resources. I had tried to be part of your course originally but it was full, then a spot opened and I am thrilled that I took the leap! There were definitely some items that I knew before but not one topic that I didn’t learn something else to add to my tool box or could way to use techniques/communication/ assessment, etc., in a different manner. The resources, Instagram links and articles were amazing. I can’t say enough about your course- well thought out and excellently prepared. All in all, you ROCK….. adding you to my ‘OT Crushes’!”

Marlene Morse
occupational therapist

“As a new OT grad (UBC Class 2023), I think this Level 2 course is exactly what I needed to boost my confidence and knowledge in this area of practice, especially because pediatrics is not something that is covered in depth in OT school.  I’ve enjoyed the modules and the course is organized very nicely and easy to follow. I really like how Moira provided specific BEST strategies for each module. She has created a very well organized and comprehensive online course on Autism and BEST Strategies!”

occupational therapist

“I was so excited to take Moira’s level 2 course as an experienced OT in paediatrics to further my skill set and knowledge base on evidence based and neurodiversity-affirming sensory based interventions. The format works well for practicing clinicians to complete the learning modules at our own pace with the valued added live check-ins as a group. Moira is an engaging presenter and I benefited from both her personal case study examples as well as her grounding and framing each module on the latest available research. I feel that my own toolkit and confidence have grown as the course unfolds. I look forward to future courses and would definitely recommend this one!”

occupational therapist

“This Level 2 course has validated for me the need to affirm neurodiversity principles and support sensory needs to promote regulation. This course has also helped me to feel confident in spending extra time with sensory regulation and building trust and connection with the clients I work with. I plan to utilize many of the resources provided to educate families on how to best support their child!”

occupational therapist

“Thank you for providing this course! I have used many of the strategies and resources from the Level 2 course course already to help families with changing the sleep environment, educate parents on feeding strategies, and encourage movement for regulation. I have been doing a lot more sensory based strategies for emotional regulation and the families that I work with have noticed a difference. I always use a visual schedule as a tool for keeping the session on track, but, since taking this course,  I have also been making visuals for morning and bed time routines that have gotten a lot of positive feedback from parents.”

occupational therapist

“Thank you so much for this Level 2 course Moira! As a “newbie” to this area of practice, I have learned so much! I enjoyed your way of presenting the material with a focus on treatment strategies that you have found most helpful. I also appreciated your openness and honesty around the things that you perhaps did not do well in the past and how you recognized this and learned from it. There were so many great takeaways from your course!  I absolutely adored the course, only wishing there was a Level 3 or more courses with you!”

Samantha Maas-Crowell
occupational therapist

“Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting together this incredible Level 2 course!. As an occupational therapist who has worked in the field of paediatrics for over 15 years, I was hoping to learn about important updates. One thing that especially blew me away with your course content was how holistic it was. In all my years of taking courses, we often focus on one very specialized area. However, it was so exciting to have you take us through the many areas we cover as paediatric OTs from sensory processing, feeding, play, leisure, personal care, sleep, school, to solution-focused communication. And while you still covered so many areas, you somehow managed to go into a good amount of depth on each topic. There were so many key takeaways! While I feel like I’m positive and focus on individuals’ strengths, I learned that my questions to parents don’t always reflect that. I also truly appreciated the supplemental materials you provided, the recommended apps that can also be used with adults, specific leisure strategies, and just learning from some of the ways you explain concepts that I already know but want to improve on.  Even though the modules are recorded, you are so engaging and have a skill of weaving in current research and stories from your personal experience as an experienced therapist.  I also appreciated the live question and answer meetings.  I can’t wait to ‘see’ you at your future courses, Moira!”

occupational therapist